On superlatives

Himal Kotelawala
2 min readOct 3, 2021


Hyperbole is like the internet’s default setting. Almost always, we react to new books, movies, music and TV shows in superlatives. Everything is either omg the best thing ever or worse than the worst. It’s rarely measured.

This is not inherently a bad thing, even if it is a little grating; but it can be unhelpful when trying to decide what TV show to binge next. Do I waste my data on something the internet swears is incredible but turns out to be just okay? (*cough* Stranger Things *cough*). Or do I take a chance on a new movie that my gut tells me has potential but doesn’t quite meet the approval of…



Himal Kotelawala

Writer and journalist based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Byline on The New York Times, Time Magazine and locally EconomyNext, The Daily FT, The Sunday Times and Roar.